2002 Christmas Special!
Much as we would have loved to, there just hasn't been time to come up with a full issue in time for Christmas. However, we thought you might enjoy a bit of Indian-reading during the holidays, so please find links to a couple of amazing articles below. 

In case you weren't sure, there definitely will be more VI issues in the new year, but no promises as to when! There are 100's of things that need to be done, and we hope that more of you (Listers and readers) will become an active part of it. Join the VI mailing list and let's work together towards making 2003 the best VI year yet.

Merry Christmas and a Great New Indian Year to all!

The VI editorial team.

The Wigwam in 1915 - a fabulous look behind the scenes at The Largest Motorcycle Factory in the World. Scanned from a 1915 Hendee Manufacturing Company brochure by Marty Christopher. Click to go to the article
1915 Factory Article
Of Updated Airplanes and Indians. Al Campbell's report on his homemade 12V electronic ignition and charging system is more than the tech piece it appears to be. The central theme of the story is how much more enjoyable an Indian (as well as a vintage float plane) can be if sensibly and sensitively updated with technology that wasn't available at the Wigwam. Click to go to the article
Updating a 1947 Chief
Every year the Indian riders of Europe get together in one of the European countries for the International Indian Rally. This year it is in Denmark. As the name of the rally implies, we (Euro Indian riders) would be absolutely delighted to have visitors from abroad and will do our best to help with any practical problems you may have. Perhaps we could coordinate "package tours" through the VI? And perhaps this could become a fixture of future International Indian Rallies? In any case, here is the first edition of the 2003 Rally site. It will be updated regularly. See you in Denmark in July? Click to go to the 2003 Int'l Indian Rally website
International Indian Rally 2003
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