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1953 Indian Factory Movie
Great movie of a 1953 Chief being assembled at the Wigwam. Thanks to Ken Kemp and Fred Dufrene. There is a better quality version here, and a streaming version here. More Indian videos here.
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Sam Morgan, Wall of Death Rider
It is with great sadness I think of Sam who left us this year. She was an enthusiastic member of the VI community in the early years, and a ray of sunshine to all who knew her. Link above is to a short video clip.
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2008 Int'l Rally in Finland
Some good photos here of the International Indian Rally in Finland (there is also a DVD available)
 The 2009 Rally will be in Scotland
Better start planning!
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Wooden Indian (!)
Fantastic 1941 Indian Four made entirely of wood. This video shows the details, and gives some info on how it was done (but not really why...). It is for sale, offers invited. Click link for movie
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Thor - Makers of Indian Engines
OK not really Indian, but still interesting. Thor (or actually the parent company, Aurora Machine and Tool Company) made Indian's first engines. Greg Walter made a website with some Thor history and resources (contact information on the site may be out of date).
Click to go to the website
Old Indian Racing Photos
For those who haven't visited Rocky's Iron Wigwam site recently, there is a large collection of super cool old racing pictures there (link above). The Iron Wigwam front page has links to parts and LSR updates etc.
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